Monday, March 23, 2009

Climbing Comp in Cuenca

Daniel, Ana´s brother, and the rest of the Azuay climbing team had nationals this past weekend at their hometown wall. Teams from Pichincha, Azuay, and a few other Ecuadorian provinces came together for a weekend of climbing. Saturday showcased the technical aspect, with several lead routes ready to be challenged; Sunday occurred at a much faster rate, as velocity climbing was the day´s main event and required climbers to ascend with speed. After riding Saturday morning and racing on Sunday, I headed over to the the wall in order to witness displays of strength and technique, support the kids whom I climb with in Cuenca, and absorb yet another experience in another country. With chalk dust drifting upwards like a constant mist lifting, I sat among those I have come to know and like, watching and appreciating as our lives continued to unfold.

Daniel and Bagre before the finals.

Daniel, inside his head, before the last climb. I have known Daniel as long as I have known Ana, although not as well, but I have seen him grow over the years as a climber and I can feel and see how much he loves climbing. Right now, he is the Pan-American Champion, and then some. He has strength physically and mentally, and is smart about his climbing. This kid has technique and sees problems very logically and clearly; I know he absolutely loves climbing, that it is his life, and for these reasons I know it will take him to where and who he is meant to be. Nice job, Sappito.

All climbers are allowed a certain amount of time to look at the problems, might be six minutes, before being taken back to the other side of the wall (so as not to see other climbers ascend) until it is their turn. Props to Marga for winning, both days; I wish I had a photo, although it would not do her justice, as she is smooth, strong, and does not give up.

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