Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On the Rock and By the River

Pedro´s dog, Hascho.

Caballo on the way up to the entrance into Parque Nacional Cajas. 2.5 hours of beautiful climbing just to the first gate.

This is the first gate, and also the point of return for today. It costs 10 bucks to get into Parque Nacional Cajas, even on a bike. There is a plan in the works, which includes staple foods, more water, and perhaps a friend or two, to pay the ten bones and make a day of it.
A sweet 45 plus minute descent back from Cajas into Cuenca

All three of these horses stood up as I passed; I could not pass up the opportunity to capture their presence.

Pedro booting up for some lead routes next to the river.
Bagre filming Suco´s trad setting.

I love shadows and silhouettes. These are a series of Bagre silhouette shots.

Suco and Bagre.


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