Friday, March 6, 2009


This morning I accompanied Ana to the school where she works. There were lots of little kids, with lots of energy. We went on a field trip to ¨the big school¨ where they will be attending next year. They painted chanchitos (little clay pig banks), ate pizza, and participated in relay races. When you travel to a different country you realize similarities and differences, you compare, naturally; for the entire ride to ¨the big school¨ today, the kids sang a roughly translated version of ¨are we there yet¨ in Spanish. Some things are just universal I suppose.

Painted chanchitos.

Some kids had their parents with them for the field trip. This kid was there with his older brother, maybe 18 or 19 years of age, and they seemed to have an admirable relationship.

Sappitos painting chanchitos.

Field trip, Ecuadorian style.

Los chicos.

At ¨the small school;¨ small and big, both schools are owned by Ana´s ma. The are called C.E.D.F.I. and she started them 20 years ago.

This little caballero donning a Spiderman shirt did not want his photo taken, so I waited until he turned around.

Ana with some of her sappitos (little frogs) in the morning.

Some kids are just hard to read. Some people are the same way, too. Not to say that kids are not people.


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