Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Kingdom Trails: Zermont's Royal Family

So, Ellen turned one year older than fifty, which is pretty cool considering she continues to kick things raw on a mountain bike. Here, Ellen's long arms help to form a give-peace-a-chance type "Y." Alan constitutes a dashing letter "I," and Marianne delivers a beautifully backwards "D." Willy comes through with a sweeping, tondue-esque "R," also backwards. Alex holds it together with a solid football sidelines "A," and Patty kept the spirit of cheer alive with her give-me-a-T style "T." Laura keeps her balance with the letter "B," and Art, or course, appears as though he has to go to the bathroom but is raising his hand patiently in a stunning letter "H." Put us all together and what do we spell? Good times. No, great times. Thanks, gang.

Kingdom Trails + 8 superb individuals + 3 days + one birthday =

Laughter. Undiluted eruptions of uncontrollably infantile, inexhaustibly side-splitting, unequivocal, absolute, soul-injected laughter. Bliss. Sheer, unadulterated, divinely primordial bliss.

Yes. No these were not washed.

Marriane throwing down her gang sign in salute to Howie.

Trees. And trees that used to be trees.

White men (literal in so many ways) can jump.

It's all about the sequence of events.

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