Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fig Newts and Acorns Fall

After a quick clip-out to save myself from yet another endo, Wendi and I were pushing our cycles back up in order to run the line again, and it's a good thing we did. With her Eagle's eyesight, Wendi spotted a tangerine hued newt scurrying among the fallen leaves of burnt orange and singed rust. A quick fellow he was, and so this was the least blurry of several in the newt photo shoot. Our only hopes upon releasing the little man, or gal, were that we had not and would not accidentally catch one under the spinning death-grip of our wheels. Consequently, sometimes an endo is a good thing; it gives you the time to slow down and notice more of the littlest things--ants, centipedes, newts, and all.

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