Thursday, July 23, 2009

Breaking Bread


Question: Am I, along with everyone else, allergic to gluten?

Independent Variable: Gluten measured in any way shape or form.

Dependent Variable: The reaction of my body, in particular the functioning of its intestinal tract.

Now I am no scientist, and perhaps I mixed up my labeling of dependent and independent variables, but after two solid weeks of self-testing, evidential conclusions have thus far yielded a big, fat, YES.

Before discovering this allergy, though, I took some snapshots of the whole wheat and flax seed pitas I had started to make on a weekly basis for consumption. I also took some glam shots of my latest loaf of gluten-free bread. Compare and contrast if you must, but the latter is surprisingly delicious and nutritious, which is a plus for the dependent variable of this solitary case study.

And without.

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